Up popped my daughter on the screen of my phone. No
initial surprise but this time I answered to piercing hysterical cries of ‘Mom,
Mom, help me Mom’ which still echo today.
She had been driving to work when a guy leaving a junction ploughed into the side of her whilst she was on a roundabout, sending her car across lanes & to add to it he'd then decided to get nasty!
Thankfully I was only minutes away & rushed to get to her to find her distraught, in pain & being comforted by 2 passers by who had come to her aid.
Those lovely ladies didn’t have to stop & comfort her. They were on their way to work & the other on the school run; they had their own agendas & needs but both took the time when so many others just went on their way!
Their kindness that day made all the difference in those moments before I reached her when she felt shaken, scared & alone; for that we’ll be forever grateful.
On the upside in amongst all the drama my daughter gained new clients...well 6 in total as during all the commotion she had shared that she was a hairdresser & as it turned out this lady was looking for a new one for the family...funny how these things happen!
Whilst sat in A&E I made a few calls to my clients; one to re-arrange a meeting that morning about party bags for their play centre & others to give updates on orders for parties that weekend. All were very kind, understanding & grateful for being kept up to date of the unexpected 24hr delay that had arisen.
So however small you may think your random act of kindness is don’t underestimate the effect it can have on people & even where it may lead.
As it is, D won’t be cutting hair for a while thanks to a
few broken bones but as soon as she does Lisa will be the first to get a thank
you freebie & her family freshly trimmed!
Kindness should be part of your everyday but on this dedicated #WorldKindnessDay be sure to go above & beyond!
Remember to be kind to yourself too & make life as easy as possible. We can help with our hassle free party bag solutions for both busy party planning parents & party providers who want simple fix solution for their clients!
P.P.S Call us today on 01952 30 30 40 to chat through options!